Consider All Components of Future Cost
Before Deciding Which Space to Lease

© 1999 by CSI Consultants Inc.

Like most non-profit organizations, your largest single non-payroll expense is probably occupancy cost.  Before deciding among competing transactions, you must know how their costs will compare over the entire projected term of occupancy.

These financial projections must take into account all cost components, not just the base rent.  Among the critical non-rent elements to be considered are landlord concessions, tax and operating expense escalations, electricity, tenant installation costs, cleaning costs and loss factors.

CSI Consultants Inc. provides its clients with comprehensive financial projections and comparisons throughout the relocation process, updating them continually as negotiations proceed.  Summary sheets and graphs make these complex calculations instantly understandable.

We analyze each transaction from a variety of vantage points, including Cost per Usable Square Foot, Cost per Rentable Square Foot, and Total Cost, all of which are presented in both spreadsheet and graphic format.

But that's not all.

Because a dollar spent today costs you more in real terms than a dollar spent in the future, we use discounted cash flow analysis to determine the
Effective Annual Cost of every transaction under consideration.  This methodology reduces all components of cost in any transaction, whether it is a lease or a purchase, to a single number, so that our clients can easily compare competing deals with state-of-the-art accuracy.  The results of hundreds of calculations can be grasped in just a few minutes.

These reports are provided at no cost to our brokerage clients, and at reduced rates to our non-profit consulting clients. 

Click here to get a free sample of a professional
financial analysis.  Don't make any deal without one.

Already considering a transaction?
Don't take a chance on future cost projections.
Call us for a professional, low-cost Second Opinion.

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